Success Coaching

Think of your Success Coach as a kind of virtual concierge. Throughout your student experience, we aim to facilitate student services, provide general academic guidance, and career advising in a personalized way. Have a question about school policies & procedures that apply specifically to your circumstance? We can help with a customized answer.

TISOH Success Coaches can address a broad range of areas related to but not limited to Brightspace Login support, Admissions, Financial Assistance, Student Accounts, and Graduation. We are available Mondays-Fridays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm PT. Reach out to us by phone, email, or chat (Brightspace Chat).

Another way to reach us is via the Padlet bulletin board below. When we answer in the comments, other students will be able to benefit should they be sharing a question or concern. We monitor this board regularly so remember to check back often!

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